About Us

We are a small, warm, informal congregation with an ethnically diverse membership. Our service at 9:30 A.M. each Sunday includes a combination of traditional and praise music led by our choir and instrumentalists.   Children are a primary focus, leading us in prayer at the beginning of the service and going off to Sunday School after Children’s time.

Our Chinese Members meet for a Mandarin Service at 9:30 AM on all Sundays of the month. Before and after each service there are English as a Second Language classes.

We have a unique Bible/Book Study each Friday evening at 7:15 PM in the Youth Lounge, during which time we discuss issues of the Christian faith and books about the Bible and Christianity.

Our church plays an active role in the Scotch Plains/Fanwood Ministerium, which is an ecumenical community based organization bringing together various churches as well as a variety of public entities.

Through the Outreach and Mission Ministry, members of our congregation are committed to being Christ’s hands and feet in the world. While there is always a Special Cause of the Month, ongoing outreach/mission projects include:

  • Crop Walk for Hunger
  • CUMAC, through various donation/collection projects
  • Free Meals at Covenant United Methodist Church in Plainfield
  • Home First Garden Project
  • Ronald McDonald House, through collection of aluminum can pull caps
  • Scotch Plains Food Bank
  • UNICEF through “Souper Bowl Sunday” and various other activities
  • World Vision, through sponsorship of children

Sharing our Facilities – Jump Start Nursery School brings added dimensions to our church building.