
FUMC of Scotch Plains is a caring church, reaching out into our community and the world. Here are some of the many ministries in which we participate:

Scotch Plains Food Bank
You are invited to bring non-perishable canned or dry foods to Church with you any Sunday…items that will be donated to the Scotch Plains Food Bank. Collection bins are in the narthex. Members take the items to the food pantry weekly. Click here for a list of the most needed items.

World Visionworld vision
Join many of our congregation who are sponsoring a child through World Vision. World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, is working in over 100 countries to help better the lives of children and their families by helping them to reach their potential and become self sufficient. When you sponsor a child (or children!), “you can provide help and hope for a boy or girl in need — and build a relationship that transcends cultures and distance.” For more information, contact Jim Naugle. You can read more about World Vision here.